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My passion for stories started at the age of three. I was transfixed with books like James and the Giant Peach and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Television programs like Batman with Adam West. And I was completely mesmerized by movies like Clash of the Titans, Jason and the Argonauts, but my all time favorite hands down is Star Wars.




Born: September 20, 1974

Place of Birth: London, England

Studied: Clinical Hypnosis

Family: Father to three princesses and two princes

Profession: CEO of iPackage and Writer


About Me:


  • I'm a caffeine dependant organism.

  • I'm a proud Nerd/Geek and I'll prove it to you. According to the scientist Richard Dawkins if you think of an experience in your childhood, something that you remember clearly, something that you can see, feel, even smell, as if you were really there, after all you really were there. How else would you remember it. Now here is the bombshell, you weren't there. Not a single atom that is in your body today was there when that event took place. I love stuff like this.

  • I think food tastes better with a fork unless it's soup or icecream.

  • I love to use google in debates to prove my point.

  • I believe that hard work compensates for lack of talent, because it makes me feel better about myself.

  • My favorite quote is, follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there are only walls, because it makes me believe I can achieve anything I put my mind to and enjoy doing.

  • I prefer my puns intended.

  • I'm a determined dreamer who is sagacious, pertinacious, indefatigable, magnanimous, ebullient, loquacious yet laconic, pragmatic, efficacious, altruistic, but not pretentious.

  • My guilty pleasures are TMZ and The Wendy William's Show.

  • My favorite authors are Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Gillian Flynn, and the late Vince Flynn.



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